We need more intelligence

Use your espionage skills to gather as much intelligence as you can.

Follow the simple instructions and complete missions to earn stars! Be careful though, rival spies are making things difficult for you. Focus on the mission to overcome the obstacles.

SPIES with Very Little Intelligence is a fast-paced action-puzzle game. It gives you simple challenges that turn out to be, well, not-so-simple. To win the game, you have to conquer your own brain!

If you're looking for something easier or harder, why not try these games?

PlatformsHTML5, Windows, macOS, Linux
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(13 total ratings)
GenreAction, Puzzle
Made withDragonRuby GTK
Tags2D, Brain Training, Difficult, Fast-Paced, Point & Click, Short, Singleplayer, spies
Average sessionA few seconds
AccessibilityOne button


spies-with-very-little-intelligence-windows-amd64.zip 9.9 MB
Version 0.3 86 days ago
spies-with-very-little-intelligence-linux-raspberrypi.zip 9.8 MB
Version 0.3 86 days ago
spies-with-very-little-intelligence-linux-amd64.zip 10 MB
Version 0.3 86 days ago
spies-with-very-little-intelligence-macos.zip 11 MB
Version 0.3 86 days ago

Development log


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(1 edit) (+2)

I had a lot of fun with this. I do usually enjoy your games! The art was cute and the sound was perfect. It was challenging, but not too much so. Great work!

Here's my playthrough: 


Thanks for playing my game! I got a big kick out of watching you play though I have to say you breezed through it more easily than most. You must have a strong brain 💪🧠

Hah nice one. Glad to see another game of yours! Really liked the visuals and animations. Also liked the "avoid" feature and the typos. I often got confused between recording and telepone, and spy and disguise. However, I managed to finish it! Looking forward to playing your next game.

Thanks a lot! The spy/disguise confusion is the most common but it’s surprising which other pairs cause confusion for different people. 

Excellent! great execution of a funny idea, just as I got used to it you threw another spanner into my stupid brain and I loved it! 10/10

Thanks a lot! I hope you manage to de-spanner your brain. 


Good stuff! Creative confounding features and a gentle difficulty curve!

Thanks Ceph!


Really great work! The increased speed really increase my annoyance in the guy giving instructions

If video doesn't work, here is link

That was magnificent. I enjoyed the video tremendously. Thanks so much for playing and sharing your experience. Bravo for finishing the game.

You discovered a bug I didn't find during testing that caused the "intelligence bar" to render incorrectly and also made extra stars appear, so it looked like you were finished when you were not. I'm going to go away and fix that now - thanks for finding it.

Yesterday I uploaded a new version that replaces the final five missions with (probably) easier ones but with a new game mechanic that I think you would love, if you ever recover enough to play it again.

Love it! Usually I don’t like timed games but the cadence felt great. Very fun!

Appreciated! Thanks holophysics


The last level was one of the most painful gaming experiences I've ever had. 10/10, never playing again

(1 edit)

Mission complete!





OMG, I love the sprites and the music. What a fun game!

Thanks Mike!


very unique game! i like the gameplay and the narrative :) Check out my game Paws an Prizes!

Thank you Kayla! I most certainly will. 


Relaxing game :-)

Thanks! (It gets less relaxing later :D )